Friends of Music Concerts

FRIENDS OF MUSIC CONCERTS announces the fifth program in our 2018/2019 season of free concerts on Sunday, February 24, at 3:00 p.m. in the comfortable atmosphere and excellent acoustics of Eliot Unitarian Chapel at 100 South Taylor (at Argonne) in Kirkwood.

The program will feature: 

Beverly Field and Toni Pearson performing the Sonata in E minor for cello and piano, Op. 38, by Johannes Brahms

The Missouri Women’s Chorus directed by Scott Schoonover singing a program of motets, songs from Scotland and Ireland, and African-American spirituals.

For further information, phone (314) 596-2519, or contact us by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Properties

Event Date 02-24-2019 3:00 pm
Location Eliot Unitarian Chapel